Click on the drawing to view it on Vimeo 

El Niño de Atocha

In the 13th century, Spain was under Muslim rule. The town of Atocha, now part of Madrid's Arganzuela district, was lost to the Muslims, and many Christians there were taken prisoners as spoils of war. The Christian prisoners were not fed by the jailers, but by family members who brought them food. Reports soon began among the people of Atocha that an unknown child under the age of twelve and dressed in pilgrim's clothing had begun to bring food to childless prisoners at night. The women of the town returned to Our Lady of Atocha to thank the Virgin for her intercession and noticed that the shoes worn by the Infant Jesus were tattered and dusty. They replaced the shoes of the Infant Jesus, but these became worn again. The people of Atocha took this as a sign that it was the Infant Jesus who went out every night to help those in need.

La historia dice que los moros tenían encarcelados a cristianos y que no permitían visitas ni de familiares ni de amigos, solamente de niños pequeños. Fue así como “el mismo Niño Jesús” decidió hacerles compañía en su tribulación, los consolaba y daba comida. Desde entonces, en las imágenes fue representado como un Niño Peregrino con huaraches, sombrero, una cesta de pan en una mano y un bastón en la otra. 

Magic Realism in Graphic Novels

These drawings and stories are part of a graphic novel I am working on.  It is a collection of illustrated short stories, oral traditions, dreams, visions, and my own real-life memories. In a Native American tradition, I am following a vision, a sign given to me to do this project. I will write a story and illustrate it, or I will start with an ink drawing and then write the story. I keep a sketchbook near my bed, and I also would sketch a doodle if I had a fresh dream. I have memories or visions before I fall asleep or before I wake up and I will draw these images or stories in a sketchbook. They are the hypnagogic state of consciousness during wakefulness into sleep. And the hypnopompic[1] state is the state of consciousness leading out of sleep.

I also meditate and induce myself to open visualization. I was taught this ancient strategy by a shaman, Paco in Madre de Dios, southern Amazon, Peru in 1971. According to Paco all human beings had this power until formal education appeared and this erased the practice of visualization because religion and formal education were prohibited. They considered devilish, satanic, and dealing with idolatry. In real life is like inducing several daydream-like visions and later drawing them.

The word association exercises for psychoanalysis used by Freud and Jung are also very successful for me. I draw archetypes from the collective unconscious or try to remember childhood oral traditions or simple memories.

After I make an ink drawing, I write the story the same way. Using InDesign I place the scanned pen and ink drawing together with the story, on facing pages, to get a prototype of a finished book.

[1] Ghibellini, Romain. Meier, Beat. The hypnagogic state: A brief update. Wiley Online Library. 2022

After 30 years I have been thinking that illustration is married to text and lives in that  world: Illustration belongs in the printed page.inside a tablet, a newspaper, a magazine, or a book page. The Latin word "illuminati" means to bring light: To  shed light on a subject . But this last  few months  I have had moments of enlightenment that my  sketchbook drawings  contain meaning and  calligraphy and they also have a style.  In my drawings from life I write what people  are saying on the page and or what comes to my mind. My philosophical question now is, Why can't these daily sketches be the new format for a graphic novel?  I researched several illustrators and fine artists who use hand drawn text and image in an unusual way.

Carlos Llerena Aguirre has published woodcuts in international journals, The New York Times, Washington Post, The Globe, San Francisco Chronicle, Chicago Tribune, El Comercio, books, magazines, children’s books, and international newspapers. His woodcuts are in the Library of Congress Permanent Collection. Washington, DC, USA. Franz Masareel Centrum, Kasterlee, Belgium. Museo del Grabado Lima Peru, MAC Lima, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo. Lima, Peru. Venice Printmaking Studio. Venice, Italy. Douro International Printmaking Biennale. Douro, Portugal.  Museo del Grabado, Instituto Peruano Norteamericano, Lima. Peru. Norwegian International Printmaking Biennale, Fredrikstad, Norway.

He represented Peru and the USA with his woodcuts in the Douro Printmaking Biennale, Douro, Portugal. Hilo South Pacific International Printmaking Biennale. Hawai. ICPNA 5th International Printmaking Biennale. Lima, Peru. Norsk Internasjonal Grafikk Biennale, Norway. The Jubilam X Internationale Grafik Triennale, Fredrikstad, Norway. Pacific States Biennial National Print Exhibition, Hawai. The Xylon Graphische International Triennale, Switzerland, La Bienal del Grabado de Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico, USA. The Krakow Biennale of Printmaking, Polonia. Biennale de Grabado. Arequipa, Peru.

He holds an MFA, in Cinematography from the University of Miami. An MFA, in painting, an M.Ed, in Art Education from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and an MA, in Printmaking from Hunter College. The City University of New York City. 

His video art and documentaries have been officially selected in international venues: FLAVIA[2,  Festival Latinoamericano de Videoarte, Buenos Aires, Argentina. TOLFA International Short Film Festival, Roma, Italia. Museo de Arte, Parana. (permanent collection) Argentina. Cortoacquario VI Festival Internazionale Cortometraggi, Juried documentary, Santa Marinella, Roma, Italia. Festival Internacional Cine Toluca, FICT  Mexico. Bideodromo. Naziateko Zine eta Bideo Esperimentalen Laialdia. Bilboko, Bereginen Museoa. 1er Festival Latinoamericano de Cortometrajes Ambientales. Albufera, Argentina. Optic Nerve XII, Film Festival. Juried exhibit. Museum of Contemporary Art, MOCA, North Miami, FL. OMNI, Urban Intervention, Juried exhibit. Art Basel, Wynwood, FL. CLOSE UP. A Riesgo, Pasaguero, Juried exhibit. Video Projections, Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de México. Ischia International Film Festival, Napoli, Italy.

The book/DVD Saynatakuna was published and exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Lima Peru.
His latest feature ethnographic documentary is:

Recipient of the Frans Masareel Centrum artist in residence in Belgium. The Venice Printmaking Studio in Venice. Italy and The TAKT artist residence in Frederikshain, East Berlin, Germany. Artist residence at the University of Liverpool. England.  and Distinguished Professor at Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.

He is currently a Professor at the University of Miami. USA